24 – 25 OCTOBER 2019

Considering the large number of institutions, associations and entrepreneurs that the b.creative network brings together in 116 countries, we believe that this conference will contribute to the promotion and development of cultural and creative industries in Croatia and help Croatian experts to make valuable contacts. This year’s theme of the conference, funding of creative and cultural institutions, is particularly significant and we are welcoming the participation of representatives of the World Bank and the European Investment Fund.
The pursuit of innovations and their commercialization represent the core of entrepreneurship, and this value added to the economy bring creative and cultural industries, which in essence represent innovations. Today, in the time of strengthening the competitiveness of the creative and cultural industries, the constructive dialogue of all stakeholders in this process is necessary in order to creative industries be positioned in the global market and contribute to economic growth.
We are convinced that the conference on funding the creative and cultural industries will achieve the set goals and contribute to the recognition of the importance of creative and cultural industries in Croatia and the linking of this sector and other branches of economics.
I am convinced that the international conference will confirm its success with rich content and participation of the most respectable Croatian and European experts, as well as contribute to the development of Croatian economy.
The creative and cultural industries are of utmost importance to society as well as to the economy. Without creativity, there is no entrepreneurship either, because creation goes hand in hand with innovation, and innovation is the basis of economic competitiveness. Culture and creativity have proven to be highly resilient to the crisis and will be the driver of the knowledge and new technologies-based economy of the future. In Croatia, these industries already generate over 6 billion Croatian kuna in revenue and employ approximately 125,000 workers. These numbers will only grow, and it is important that we give the highest possible institutional support to the talent and creativity of our people.

For creative entrepreneurship in Croatia
By paying the registration fee, you are entitled to participate in all parts of the programme through two days of the conference.
Participation in the ‘speed dating’ networking session and the networking fair is FREE with mandatory registration. You can apply via the link below.
In partnership with the Croatian Competitiveness Cluster of Creative and Cultural Industries, b.creative arrives for the first time in Zagreb, Croatia on 24 and 25 October 2019 for a debate on financing the creative and cultural industries. Featuring Croatian and European cultural and creative entrepreneurs, the event will focus on the various skills and competences required to succeed in a globalised environment, as well as on the needs and barriers encountered by the cultural and creative sectors. The event will also present the Guarantee Facility for the creative sectors (managed by the European Investment Fund), as well as the posibilities for the sector to get financial support. For all creators, artists and creative entrepreneurs who look for sources of financing and business development opportunities b.creative offers a solution! The event will take place in the prestigious Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb. Registrations are now OPEN.
Registration fees:
€140 + VAT | €114 + VAT | €140 + VAT | €164 + VAT |
€220 + VAT | €183 + VAT | €220 + VAT | €260 + VAT |
A network fair
The fair is the opportunity to showcase the services of national and international networks which already support cultural and creative entrepreneurs.
A 'speed dating' session: b2b event
A structured system of b2b meetings allowing participants to know in advance who is attending and who they can meet: international entrepreneurs, peers, mentors or potential partners. The pre-arranged ‘speed dates’ will last 15 minutes and are free of charge.


11:00 – 14:30
‘Speed dating’/ b2b meetings
14:30 – 18:00

08:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 09:30
Creative Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century
09:30 – 10:30
Triggering Investment in Creative Entrepreneurship
10:30 – 11:30
The barriers to the development
of the Creative Industries
11:30 – 12:30
Lunch break
12:30 – 13:30
Presentation of the b.creative network
13:30 – 14:00
Creative Networking Opportunities
14:00 – 17:30
1. Stimulate cross-disciplinary innovation
2. Making the most of international networking
3. Access to Finance
4. Creative Ecosystems
1. Stimulate cross-disciplinary innovation
2. Making the most of international networking
3. Access to Finance
4. Creative Ecosystems
Workshops wrap-up
18:00 – 18:30
Creative Policy Making
18:30 – 19:00

Luka Burilovic, PhD
Luka Burilović, PhD, is the President of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce since 2014. After completing his postgraduate specialist study of economics and management at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek, he completed his doctoral studies at the same faculty. He is the author of scientific and professional papers in the field of economics. Until he was elected for the President of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, he was the Chairman of the Board of Sladorana dd in Županja, before that he was Deputy Chairman of the Management Board. From April 2004 to February 2006 he worked as an Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.

Marko Radenkovic
Marko Radenković is the general manager of Nova Iskra, the first Design Hub in Eastern Europe (Serbia) he established in 2012. His dedication and commitment is focused on empowering local initiatives in the field of creative industries through employment of collaborative culture and conscious economy.
Susa Pop
Susa is an urban media curator and co-founding director of Public Art Lab which is an international action research platform for creative citymaking, citizen science and translocal dialogue that empower social interactions and citizens’ engagement.Susa Pop holds lectures worldwide and gives seminars at the Bauhaus University Weimar / Media Architecture. She is co-editor of Urban Media Art Cultures (avedition, 2012) and What Urban Media Art Can Do – Why, When, Where, and How? (av edition, 2016). In 2017 she co-initiated the globally networked Urban Media Art Academy together with Tanya Toft Ag in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Thailand.

Rui Quinta
Hi, I’m Rui and for my own enjoyment I’ve Co-founded the fish shop Peixaria Centenária, the space experience design studio, Toyno and With Company, a transformative by design company based in Lisbon where I try to help others design better services, products, brands, businesses and futures. I’m lecturing Design Management and Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Strategic Design and Innovation at ISEG and Porto Business School, in Portugal and I’ve been coaching teams on DT with the HPI Academy from Berlin.
Breathing in my free time.
Christopher Peter Marcich
Chris was appointed CEO of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC) on 1 May 2019. He has been President of the Board of AGICOA, the association of audiovisual producers and their collective rights management groups since 2013. Chris was appointed President for International at the Motion Picture Association (MPA) in January 2015 to assist with a transition within the MPA. He was responsible for coordination of the MPA’s international offices (EMEA, Asia-Pacific, Canada, Brazil & Mexico). Prior to joining the MPA, Chris spent sixteen years working in the U.S. Government on international trade issues as a negotiator and shaping U.S. trade policy. When he left the Government in 1995, he was the Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Europe, responsible for trade relations with the region. Chris holds a Master’s degree from Georgetown University, he speaks English, Croatian and French and has working knowledge of Italian and Spanish.

Ioana Ciolacu
Ioana Ciolacu is a contemporary womenswear fashion label from the Romanian designer by the same name. With an MA in Fashion Design and Technology from the prestigious London College of Fashion of University of the Arts London and with design experience from one of the best international brands – Stella McCartney, Ioana has developed strong understanding of creating high quality clothes and unique designs. With a focus on shape, craftsmanship and sustainability, Ioana takes inspiration from architecture and nature combining signature graphics with tailoring techniques. Ioana is also a board member of the Romanian Fashion Council, an initiative devoted to supporting and nurturing Romanian fashion designers in a global market.
Mislav Balkovic
Mislav Balkovic PhD is Assistant Professor, dean of Algebra University College in Croatia and active researcher in the area of National Qualifications Frameworks, Validation of non-formal and informal learning and Knowledge Management. He participated in a number of national projects including the development of legislation for CROQF and the implementation of various policy and regulatory documents in higher, vocational and adult education. He is currently working on research in the area of validation of non-formal and informal learning and development of modern educational approaches (methodics and didactics). Mislav was a member of the National Council for Science, Higher education and Technology (2012-2016) and he currently acts as the president of Sector Skills Council for Electrotechnics and Computing and the President of Croatian Employers Association in Education.

Davor Bruketa
Davor is the Creative Director of Bruketa&Žinić&Grey advertising agency based in Zagreb, Croatia, which serves as a Brand, Product & Retail Design Hub and Digital Shopper Hub for Grey network. He co-founded the agency in 1995 with Nikola Žinić. As Bruketa&Žinić OM the agency won over 450 awards for advertising and design. Advertising Age awarded B&Ž the International Small Agency of the Year 2014 award and Campaign listed B&Ž among the world’s leading independent agencies. On the global Effie Effectiveness Index B&Ž was ranked second among independent agencies in 2012. Bruketa is a permanent member of the New York Cresta Awards Grand Jury, he was also a jury member of many other prestigious competitions such as Red Dot, D&AD London, Art Directors Club New York, Graphis, Young Guns, Hiiibrand, Luxembourg Design Awards and he was the first jury president of the London International Awards coming from eastern Europe.
Ossi Luoto
Ossi has an extensive career working as the executive producer for various international events and broadcast productions. He works currently as head of design for Bright Group, the biggest audiovisual and event production company in the Nordics. He is also the managing director and co-founder of EARS – Europe-Asia Roundtable Sessions – an on-going series of conferences and online media fostering long-term relationships between Europe and Asia. He has co-written, designed and produced multiple entertainment shows for tens of millions TV and online viewers and organized multiple arena sized live productions topping over 100 000 spectators. Ossi led the productions of Finland’s 100th Anniversary Jubilee at the Prime Minister’s Office in 2017 which will remain as the most extensive and diverse jubilee year that Finns and friends of Finland have created together.

Tomo in der Muhlen
Tomo Johannes in der Mühlen aka Tom Tom or DJ Tomo is a Croatian recording artist, music producer and DJ based in New York City and Zagreb. Tomo has produced and performed live on productions from New York City, Los Angeles, Japan, Croatia, Italy and Serbia. In 1988, in der Mühlen founded IDM Music in Düsseldorf, Germany, a music publishing and rights management company which in 1992 relocated to New York City and merged with IC&M. IDM music has collaborated with Quentin Tarantino on his movies and has also worked on films such as Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, The Sopranos, Goodfellas and commercials for Microsoft, Dolce & Gabbana, Miller Brewing Company. With IDM Music, Tomo produced music for RTL Television, Vipnet, T-Mobile, Nova TV (Croatia) and Central European Media Enterprises.
Virginie Civrais
Virginie studied Economy and has a degree from the Ecole du Louvre in Paris. She has lived in Belgium since 1994. She first worked in the private sector and then continued her professional career with various economic and cultural functions in sectors such as theatre, dance, audiovisual and literature at the Botanique (cultural Centre of the French- speaking Community in Belgium). She was also General Secretary of the Contemporary Music Festival Ars Musica and then Cultural Director of the association Prométhéa which focuses on sponsoring. Since October 2009, she is in charge of St’art, an investment fund for SME’s in the field of creative and cultural industries, created by the Walloon Region and the French-speaking Community in Belgium.

Luka Piskoric
Luka Piškorič is a co-founder and managing director of Poligon, Institute for development of creative industries and Poligon Creative Centre – the first Slovenian creative hub. With over 20 years of experience in the cultural and creative industries, he works internationally as an expert focusing on bottom up development, creative hubs, audience development and new economic models. Luka is a member of the council at Cultural Policy Designers Network and member of the board of directors of European Creative Hubs Network.
Zuzanna Stanska
Zuzanna Stanska is art historian, since 2012 founder of Moiseum, a tech consultancy helping museums and cultural institutions to reach their audiences with new tools. She is also the founder of DailyArt, a startup sharing your daily dose of art. She is fascinated about the usage of emerging technologies in museums, awarded by the British Council with the Young Creative Entrepreneur Award for the Culture category, mentioned in “New Europe Top 100 Challengers” – a list made by the Visegrad Fund, Google, Financial Times and Res Publika. Suzanna is also an Alumnus of the Blackbox Connect.

Alex Traila
Alex Trăilă is a Romanian film industry consultant. He holds a diploma in cinematography and has followed multiple trainings and workshops on creative producing, mentoring and marketing. For the past years he was involved in the most relevant regional film industry platforms focused on Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and founded several other initiatives. In 2016 he was appointed advisor to the ministry of culture and during the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU was an expert for the Audiovisual Working Party. Alex is currently advising on EU affairs and foreign relations at the Romanian Film Centre, he is a Supervising Board member of the Romanian Cultural Institute, the Eurimages national representative, vice chair of European Commission’s Open Method of Cooperation group on improving audiovisual coproductions and associated professor at National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale”, Bucharest.
>Tomislav Rados PhD
Tomislav Rados, PhD became the vice-president of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce from the position of Assistant Minister of Croatian Economy, where he also served as the head of the working group for the making of the Industrial Strategy of the Republic of Croatia 2014-2020, whose lead author he is. Until 2014, he worked in the real sector as the founder and CEO of the company “Strateški plan”, which focused on renewable energy and advisory services in strategic management and finance.
Prior to that, he also served as Chairman of the Board of AutoZubak. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb, where he received his PhD in the topic of Relationship between strategy and business performance of Croatian companies.

Philippe Kern
Philippe is the founder and managing director of KEA – Europe’s leading consultancy and research center on culture and creative industries. KEA helps territories managing cultural and creative resources to deliver innovation. Philippe has 25 years’ experience in the world of culture, creative industries, public affairs and legal advice. He is a specialist in culture economics, copyright, anti-trust and trade law. He has led a range of research and strategy programs at European level, notably for the European Commission and the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and WIPO. Philippe set up IMPALA in 2000. He was former Director of Public and Legal Affairs of PolyGram (now Universal) and head of the IFPI Brussels office.
Ivana Nikolic Popovic
Ivana Nikolić Popović is a Croatian academic artist. She graduated from the Faculty of Textile Technology in Zagreb, attended the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice for a period of one year and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Department of Painting. In 2012, she enrolled in doctoral study (PhD) in Academy of Fine Arts in ”Multidimensional Elements of Fine Arts – Artistry and Perception as a Tool in Developing Creativity”. She is the President of the association Development and Creativity Net and teaching assistant in the Presentation Practicum and Fashion Illustration class in the Faculty of Textile Technology.
She has great experience in development and coordination of communication projects in areas such as government projects, corporate social responsibility, culture, education and art. In 2013, she was elected President of Croatian Competitiveness Cluster of Creative and Cultural Industry and in 2014 was named President of the Coordination of Creative and Cultural Industries of Croatian Employers’ Association.
She is the author of many socially-engaged and cultural-artistic projects like the network Creative Cities of Croatia, Croatian Creative Cities Award, Ilica Project: Q’ART, Moon of Creative and Cultural Industries, Days of Creativity and Innovation, Award for Creativity and Innovation.

Sergiu Ardelean
Sergiu is a serial entrepreneur from Austria who built a successful augmented reality agency in Vienna that served companies such as Volkswagen and Audi in 42 countries. Now Sergiu is currently leading a StartUp that develops services based on the combination between haptic and digital art through augmented reality. Artivive has now offices in Europe, US and China and is used by 18000 artists in 92 countries. The projects run with world-famous museums and galleries in Vienna, Munich, San-Francisco, Seoul and Shanghai show that the art scene is ready for the new dimensions augmented art can bring.
Laoura Ntziourou
Laoura Ntziourou is currently holding the role of a Mandate Management Officer at the Strategy & Business Development division of the European Investment Fund. She is responsible for the origination, development and management of programmes of the European Commission, notably programmes on the Cultural and Creative Sectors, Growth and Education. Laoura was previously working at PwC Cyprus and PwC Luxembourg as a tax consultant in the field of indirect tax for financial services. She studied Accounting and Finance at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, where she has been awarded the Princess Alexandra’s medal for the most meritorious graduates of the university.

Kiril Gjozev
Kiril Gjozev is an economist with a postgraduate degree from the University of Audiovisual Arts in Skopje on the topic of film co-financing in Europe and the structure of European film funds. He is the business and accounting manager of KT Film & Media and the founder of Cineflix, a company for computer programming and wireless telecommunication. Specialising in the European film industry, Kiril has been a consultant and advisor to several film production and distribution companies in Macedonia since 2014. Since 2018, he is also external advisor for the Ministry of Culture of Macedonia for developing culture and creative industries in collaboration with the EU. Kiril is also a member of the expert committee of the Association of Film Professionals in Macedonia and a member of the expert group responsible for drafting a national law on collective rights management.
Julia Youngs
As the Acceleration Program Manager for Creative Startups, a leading global accelerator for entrepreneurs in the creative industries, Julia is responsible for assisting with and overseeing Creative Startups’ global network of Accelerator programs in places like New Mexico, Jordan, Kuwait, Portugal, and Singapore. Since 2014 Creative Startups 2019 alumni have raised over $210 million in investment. Julia’s passion for the creative industries is both professional and personal, as she has worked for many years as a theatrical stage manager and volunteers with a number of arts organizations in New Mexico. She has an MA in Latin American Studies and an MA in Community + Regional Planning. She is committed to combining her passion for community engagement and urban development to help grow more creative cities and creative industries.

Nenad Marcec
Nenad acts as Chief Executive Officer of the HDS ZAMP since September 2009. HDS ZAMP is currently experiencing an intense development of business and relationships with public users of music works, as well as with other stakeholders in the sector of cultural and creative industries in Croatia. HDS ZAMP is a highly developed member of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (GESAC). Nenad is also the Chairman of the Creative and Cultural Coordination of the Croatian Employers’ Association, Member of the Management Board of the Croatian Cluster of Creative and Cultural Competitiveness and Member of the Supervisory Board of CISAC. He is well acquainted with the potentials and opportunities of the cultural and creative industries. He also held many lectures on this topic and has participated in several panels in Croatia and abroad on the contribution of these industries to the economy and tourism.
Rubin Beqo
Rubin Beqo is one of the leading forces in the Albanian contemporary cultural scene. He is a tireless music promoter, a curator, event producer and space manager whose professional and artistic practice informs local trends and developments consistently for the last decade.
He is the executive director of Turtle Fest, the leading music festival and music event management company in Albania.
He co-founded and ran the programme for the first two independent cultural spaces in Albania, Tirana Ekspres (2011 -2012) and Tulla Culture Center (2014 – 2019) and actually runs the program and manages Tulla Nouvelle, an open air cultural facility in the centre of Tirana.

Gordan Kuvec
Gordan Kuvek graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Split. He started his career at Zagrebačka banka-Pomorska and by 2008 gained experience in management positions in several commercial banks. In 2010 he obtained a director position at Hrvatska poštanska banka in the department for large companies and the public sector. From 2014 to 2016 he held the position of Executive Director in the sector of Business in the same bank. Since April 2017, Gordan has continued his career at the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) as Director of the Credit Division.
He is a member of SC Dalekovod d.d., Croatian Credit Insurance (HKO) and a member of the Governing Council for Institute of Public Finance. Gordan attended a number of professional seminars in Croatia and abroad and panels at various conferences.
Silvia Jonjic
Silvia Jonjić is a Croatian designer with great experience and knowledge in that field. She is the President of the CCE Industrial Design Community and Director of Ergoproxi d.o.o. She had designed the interior and exterior of the ICN Tilt Train for Croatian Railways. She designs showrooms at Buchmesse Frankfurt and ISH Frankfurt and she is a designer of Croatian Bathroom-Aria project sponsored by CCE. For a German client, she designs highly sophisticated prosthetics and rehabilitation products. Silvia is also one of the founders and designers of locations for the Rab Film Festival RAFF.
Silvia has obtained a degree in Design Studies at the Faculty of Architecture and School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb. In her work, she blends interior, product design, packaging and visual communications. She won the Design Award at the 38th Alberto Tossi Salon in Milan.

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