Rui Quinta

Founder, With Company

Rui is the official Design Thinking Coach at HPI Academy – School of Design Thinking in Berlin and member of the innovation international network WWHDO, coo-Founder of the fish shop Peixaria Centenária, the product design studio Toyno and With Company, a strategic design consultancy. Bachelor in Communication Design and passionate about typography, he worked with several agencies and clients in the last 12 years, such as BBDO, IDEO, FourSeasons, Ciência Viva, in Portugal, Germany, Italy and Brazil.

For the last 6 years, Rui has been consciously applying the Design Thinking mindset to the most various Branding, Service Design and Business projects.

More than having ideas, he likes to study on what’s the best way to make teams find the significantly different ones.

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